
Fees 2023-2024

Weekly Lessons for the Year

From CHF 175.- /month*

Academic Year: from August 29, 2022, to June 25, 2023

Weekly Lessons

Semester Payment Monthly Payment
30 minutes CHF 920.- CHF 193.-
45 minutes CHF 1,380.- CHF 290.-
60 minutes CHF 1,840.- CHF 386.-
5% discount for annual payment

Modular “à la carte” Courses

If you do not wish to take piano lessons on a weekly basis, you can purchase 5 or 10 lesson cards.

These cards allow you to take lessons whenever you want.

“À la carte” Courses

45-minute Lessons 60-minute Lessons
5-lesson card CHF 504.- CHF 640.-
10-lesson card CHF 918.- CHF 1,176.-

Payment Methods

You have three payment options:

  • semester (in two installments)
  • annual (in one installment): 5% discount
  • monthly (in ten installments): 5% surcharge

Tuition fees must be paid at the beginning of each school year, semester, or month, according to the chosen payment method.

If you enroll during the year, the tuition fee will be reduced to the number of remaining lessons.

Registration Fees

Registration fees are 50.- per year and per family.

Family Discount

A 15% discount for the 2nd child and 20% for the 3rd child is granted when several members of the same family are enrolled at the Michel Muller Piano School.